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June 10, 2010


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Jason Caplain, Southern Capitol Ventures

I think we think about investing a little differently. First of all, we have a pretty general focus of software, e-commerce and digital media. But we search for the GREAT entrepreneurs first and that drives a lot of our decision making. So, to be more specific and use your example, we don't say 'location-relevant promotions is a hot space, let's invest there.' Instead, we look for entrepreneurs we love to death and hope to back them with a company or idea that matches our criteria. And we want it to be something that we understand and where we can add get involved, add value, etc. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if anything is not clear.

I will also say a lot of the trends that are in the MS report, have and will continue to positively impact many of our companies.




Great deck, thanks for sharing. According to Morgan Stanley's report, smartphone/mobile, location-relevant promotions, social sharing and buying look to be a huge opportunity. How does SCV intend to capitalize on these trends?

Scott Hedrick

Good stuff, thanks for posting
- Jason Jones

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