List of Job Opportunities in NC

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April 22, 2008


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Silicon Valley can suck it

Todd Foreman

Any recommendations on forums or events that help connect start ups directly with investors and vc's? Streamlined events?

Jim Haviland

I find two particularly encouraging stats in this report. First, the increase in Seed capital is astonishing. Having recent experiences both on the west coast and some laggard markets, this is the stat that best represents that tone of the business climate. Liquidity in the "faith investments" is a sign that NC is maturing as an investment community. Second, I am glad to see some increasing diversity in the diversity both in industry and investment stage. The more balanced this portfolio gets, the more likely we are to survive market changes, thrive in good times, and encourage new early stage participation, further feeding the cycle.
Besides, the barbecue is lousy on the west coast.

Silicon Valley visitor to RTP

Several months ago it was reported that our Silicon Valley was losing it's status to differnet areas of the country. In particular RTP North Carolina. CED's report shows 87 NC deals out of 3813. That's not even a single digit percentage, actually .022 to be clear. NC entreprenuers should follow me back to California. Does NC stand for No Capital?

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