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June 27, 2007


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Kevin Packler

This seems a little odd. I could understand with perhaps 2 employees, but beyond that a company needs to have clearly delineated responsibilities.
Those outside the organization also need some indication of who's-who, as well as those on the inside. Whether a potential client or partner, it’s nice to know who I am talking to.
I understand the emphasis on team work and unity, however even in the best functioning teams, players are still assigned positions. Creativity and synergy can still be encouraged without eliminating any indication of structure.

Chip Griffin

Titles can be tricky in a small startup. Hand out too lofty a title and it becomes hard to layer on top of people as time passes and needs evolve. But if you aim too low, that person may not be perceived to have enough stature outside of an organization.

I'm a big fan of avoiding titles until it becomes obvious you can't live without them.

I do believe that founders taking titles can be helpful, though, to signal to the inside and outside world what the real roles are. Layering founders in the future will be an issue if the individuals allow it to become one regardless of title, based simply on the founder status, so the benefit to clear communication about role overrides.

Where is the point where the benefit of titles outweigh the costs? Certainly at 100, but in many cases probably less than that. It follows the famous "it depends" rule!

chad brownstein

It's a case to case basis. People do know where they stand. How can a company can't give such titles while they hire people with specializations? Maybe they're not the manager or supervisor but still you have your own title of specialization that you can use.

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