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February 23, 2006


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I think most people, such as myself, are afriad of online thief. You may not only lost your credit card number and your personal information. On some of ecommerce websites, consumers cannot tell whether the purchases are succeful or not. I would like to shop in store and phycially touch the items before purchasing.


E-comm types seem to be unconcerned with abandonment rates that would cripple other retailers.

Imagine seventy percent of customers filling up their shopping carts at the grocery store and then dumping them when they reach the checkout lane.

They couldn't physically fit enough people in the store to make up for that kind of abandonment rate.

Imagine further that 95 out of 100 people walk out of the store without buying anything. The place would be a zoo! The costs of maintaining the store would be astronomical. But online retailers seem happy with these kinds of patterns.

Makes you go hmmm!

Greg Hopper

The high cart abandonment rate could be due to companies that require you to put items in your shopping cart in order to see the price. High abadonment rates shouldn't be a surprise when this sort of gambit is in play.

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